I mean it’s like saying you can get something for nothing. You don’t have to do anything, just allow some outside entity to come in and take over your life it will answer all your problems, and make you feel good to!
I don’t buy it, there’s something wrong about it. My understanding of Jesus’ teaching was that he emphasized the fact that he was a man, a human being like all the rest of us. Of course if that is true, what is he suppose to do? Let himself into his heart?
Actually, I could go with that. That sounds more like taking responsibility for yourself, instead of counting on some outside entity to save you.
Besides, I don’t want anything that’s not me coming inside of me. It’s just not safe, I don’t care who it is, or how benevolent he’s suppose to be. If there’s work I need to do, then I need to do it, there isn’t any magic that’s going to get that done.
I don’t really expect any born again Christian to accept my thoughts, but I have to at least try to show them the light.
I know many of them are sincere lost souls that have been lead astray. However, many of them are not lost at all and know exactly what they are doing, and its not a pretty picture.
I dare anyone to read this exposé . It’s rather long, but well researched and quite revealing. It’s not a pretty picture but I’m afraid it’s the truth of our reality. Can you handle the truth?
It doesn't sit will with many people to "get something for free", especially something as intense as closeness to a Divine being. But why shouldn't it sit well? What makes something for free so foreign and hard to swallow?
I would also offer this: it would be more accurate to say that we are called to become part of Christ rather than him being part of us.
"I don’t want anything that’s not me coming inside of me. It’s just not safe, I don’t care who it is, or how benevolent he’s suppose to be. If there’s work I need to do, then I need to do it, there isn’t any magic that’s going to get that done." I agree. We are still individuals called (you may disagree with that term) to do the work that we are suposed to do. But how does becoming part of something larger than us prevent that from happening?
You will probably disregard this comment, but the "Expose" is actually a bunch of bunk. Conspiracy theorists all over try and make religious groups out to be secretly against them. (sounds like paranoia to me) Its like The Divinci Code. It is fiction trying to look like fact but without real life evidence to support it.
To each their own :-) Personally, if I were to doubt faith as a whole (which I do not), I'd prefer to err on the side of caution and risk going to heaven than thumbing my nose at Christ from Hell. It's simple logic.
Yes, that is exactly why it is baloney.
I know I had a hard time with the "ask Jesus into your heart" thing. I was raised with the idea that you had to be good enough to get into heaven. Of course, then who can say WHEN you've been good enough? It took me a long time to understand that I just wan't gonna get there on my own and I took the leap and asked Jesus to come into my life. I wish it could be better explained but, as one old christian used to say to me, "it's better felt than tellt". About two days after I matter-of-factly prayed that, I understood my life had changed forever. That was on Feb 27, 1989. I don't think you can fully understand it until you just do it.
OK, I was looking for some critical thinking and discussion. I don’t think it is really communicating to simply put labels like baloney or silly on things people say. If the exposé article is not true, and I hope it isn’t, then we need critical thought and investigation to prove it. I read it and couldn’t find anything that wasn’t true.
If it is all bunk then that would be great in my mind. If it is true, then the article needs to have more exposure so more people can see how we are being manipulated. I think they count on the fact that Christians won’t look deeply into this because it sounds like some crazy conspiracy theory or just to silly to be true. Just imagine for a minute what it means to our reality if it is true.
Personally I don’t think there is an issue with having to be good enough to get into heaven. Jesus said my Father’s house has many rooms. What do you think are in those many rooms? Why isn’t where we are one of those rooms? We live in a classroom where we can learn more about God. We can’t just die and live eternal life doing nothing, that would be boring.
I was raised a Christian from my first breath, I know about the ‘feeling’. Feeling good is great and I have nothing against enjoying life and what it has to offer. I just don’t like the idea of letting a foreign entity into my being. I want to be myself; I am a conscious being capable of understanding more. That takes work and effort on my part, understanding can not be given for free, it must be earned.
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