“The criminals infesting the governments and banks are so morally corrupted that an honest man cannot begin to comprehend what they are capable of or what they have in store for us.”
Fred Nupel, June 2006
"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning...
Henry Ford

How many people understand the true evil of fractional reserve banking? Imagine this fantasy, suppose you have the only legal authority to print and create money. Its not really a fantasy, as a citizen of the USA, we the people have invested in our government the right to create money for our economy.
So what has our government done with this authority? Quite simply they gave it to the bankers. Well the bankers have always been trying to get a hold of the US ever since it was first created. They have long term vision so their 200 plus year plan for the US is nearing fruitarian.
Our government, influenced by lobbyists and swayed by the company of powerful and rich people, gave the authority to print legal tender to a privately held corporation: The Federal Reserve.

Wow, so instead of us creating our own money that doesn’t need to be paid back, instead we have to pay the bankers back for money they created out of thin air, plus the added bonus of paying them interest on the loan! Great deal if you can get it.
Now that you have an understanding of exactly how we are being totally ripped off you can turn around and bend over... grab your ankles... now go watch your favorite reality TV show in peace.