Makes you wonder what this is all about. Here is how the email described it:
"Shelter in place is an emergency procedure that we need to be prepared to use during hazardous events that occur outside of the building requiring people to stay inside."
I’m not sure why I need practicing staying at my desk; that is pretty much what I do all day anyway. I wonder what sort of hazardous events they are imagining?? Is this practice for when they declare Marshall law and we won’t be allowed outside?
The email did say: “Emergency Coordinators should respond to the alarm by reporting to the meeting area upstairs above the main entrance lobby.” It must be practice for the EC’s. I guess some genius came up with this idea after 911 to help us feel more secure.
I feel so much more secure now that Home Land security is watching over us and dreaming up all sorts of asinine things for us sheeple to practice. Be afraid, be very afraid!