If you aren’t aware of this incident it was when the National Guard opened fire with live ammunition on students protesting the Viet Nam war. They shot to kill and got four young students who are not with us today.
These days, a generation later, you don’t see students doing much of any protesting, though by my reasoning there is so much more to be protesting about these days. I was a senior in High School when this incident took place. It had a way of driving home the point of exactly who and what we the people were up against.
Now look a generation later. The programming of the young has proved to be most successful. The next generation is much more under control; there are no big sit-ins or protests. I believe it was Hitler that said: "Give me the children, I will give you a nation."
Look at some of the things going on today, and not hardly a peep from anyone.
The 2004 election was stolen
Spyring busted
The gagging of dissent
There is so much more, I feel like I have not even touched the tip of the iceberg. Here’s one more story that our free press in America will not report on or investigate… makes you wonder.
Secret British Memo
35 years.... and I still Remember Kent!
I am 58, that day was horrible. It is very strange to see the apathy occuring today. I feel so very old.
You are wrong, there is still a lot of protesting going on with students. I'm a student at Emerson College, and we have protested for our teachers when the Board & President would not allow a faculty union to continue, we protested against the war in Iraq -- along with MIT, Harvard and other Boston area colleges. There were also protests for the right for gay marriage.
Maybe you mean no protesting like as in what happend at Kent, although, it's true I don't know much about the protesting being held there. I just wanted to tell you that we are as active as ever.
I agree there is much more to protest. However, the methods of control and punishment have become more harsh. There is also the fact that many don't know what to fight for. There are few such as politicians giving honest roads to follow. The people that were protesting in the time you mention are the ones in charge and leadership now. I won't say that many gave in or switched sides. They just changed! There are many fighting causes but seem as commercialized as the corporations themselves. They have to for survival it seems sometimes. Well I'm rambling and the times they are always changing! :)
I could see it happening all over again today with the way they have riot cops lining the streets of organized protests.
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