Thursday, January 13, 2005

On the Lookout

Where to start, I’ve been on the lookout for all my life, at least whenever I remember to, which is most of the time these days, as the days seem to dictate a stance of alertness. In some respects its been an adventure through wonderland these past 50 years or so. Now I find myself aligned with the Watchers and their pact with the Writer to expose the truth to those that might be able to see it.

I work on the outside, behind enemy lines you might say, but it’s my home and so far I remain comfortable here, but how long can that last? Things are heating up; still there is time to live a normal life. I can perform the required interaction with officialdom that allows the Writer to work at her hideout as it were. Not that it is hidden away anywhere, it’s just a place a little further out of reach, though by no means unreachable.

I hear the alert sounding from the speaker mounted on the wall behind me. The announcement blaring out says it’s only for the emergency coordinators, it tells me to sit tight until I hear the all clear signal. I have a passing thought, ‘if I had a gun I’d shoot that annoying speaker off the wall’. I don’t know where that came from, I have never handled a firearm in my life, but the droning warning signal the speaker puts out hits a nerve in me I guess.

They are probably just testing the new alert system anyway, nothing to worry about. Yep, they just announced it is only a test, do not evacuate the building. It’s cold outside, so I am grateful for that. Life in the city, in the capital of the dark planet, the Fallen world, the world of the Devil, of the Archons, of Matter that holds Spirit enchained, you have to expect these sort of things. I took this mission knowing the risks, so I have to accept them, I don’t let them upset and distract.

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