Saturday, January 29, 2005

If you heard the Truth, would you believe it?

I guess I need to continue my story and bring it to its conclusion. What has always impressed me about this story is how the chain of events were arranged to push me into a certain direction, which I would not have followed on my own. It made me feel that there are intelligent forces from outside our normal reality that can direct us.

So the next morning, when I woke up from a troubled sleep in the front seat of the 65 Mustang, I felt I had no choice but to do something I had vowed I would not. I had to try taking one of the yellow tabs to determine once and for all if we had been ripped off.

K. drove that morning and I rode shotgun as we traveled through West Virginia. It was a bright day, but there were clouds racing across the sky. About an hour after I began my experiment I found myself with my head out the window looking up at the clouds. I soon began to see cartoon figures acting out scenes in the sky. When I told K. there were cartoons in the clouds, he was elated, “That’s what’s suppose to happen!” he exclaimed.

We pulled off to the side of the road to consult our map to find a park somewhere we could spend the day and continue the experiment. I remember driving past hillbilly shacks on our way to the park with strange alien looking people watching us drive by, looking at us as if we were some sort of alien intruders.

We spent the day at the park playing guitars and investigating nature as if the world was a new and undiscovered place. The drug had a way of widening the perceptions I had and making me understand reality in a new way.

The story doesn’t end here, but I want to deviate just a little now to explain how that day was like the first step on a journey that has taken me to the place I am at today. My journey through life has been a slow revelation of what is truly going on here.

I ask the question: If you heard the Truth, would you believe it? If it hadn’t been for my experience that day, I’m not sure I would have been able to believe the truth of our reality.

I use the term hyper-dimensional to try and describe our reality that I have come to see. Have you ever stopped to think how much of our reality can we be aware of with just our 5 senses? I mean the Universe is infinite isn’t it? How much can 5 senses reveal to us?

For example are you aware of all the radio waves that are currently surrounding you as you read this? What other energy or influences might there be around us that we cannot possibly fathom or detect with our senses? What is to stop them from affecting us? Is our ignorance of them a shield that prevents them from manipulating our thoughts and actions?

My experience, and this story I am chronicling, tells me no. In fact, it is most likely that they do affect is in a powerful yet subtle ways. It is our awareness or lack of awareness that prevents us from seeing the true nature of the Universe.

Here is a quote I have found that sums it up for me:
Life is religion. Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation.

I would like to say that from this day on things on our trip started to look up, but in fact there were still deeper depths to plow as I continue the saga.

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