I can’t say I’ve ever done it, but I believe it’s true. They say if you drop a frog in boiling water he’ll jump out quicker than snot, but if you put him in a pot of water and slowly bring it to boil, he’ll boil to death.
Those slow incremental changes can be fatal!
Sometimes I try and imagine my life in 1975 and how it would have affected me if I had been able to jump from 1975 into 2005. Would I want to jump back out of shock?
It doesn’t seem so bad here. Does it?
Actually that probably depends on how much effort you put in to determine exactly what is happening these days.
Here’s a good place to start: The Center for an Informed America. Actually, that link will take you to his #74 newsletter. It’s a pretty long read in 2 parts, so it might be more effort than most people are willing to put out to get an understanding about what might be happening in their reality. I found it very informative and makes you think.
I suppose a lot of people don’t have the memories to jump back 30 years. As a result most probably can’t really gauge exactly how hot the water we are in is. Let me offer my perspective, from what my research tells me, its HOT!
Don't wait until the boiling point.
It's too hot for me but where am I going to go?
Well that’s the real question isn’t it? Of course there is no hope of answering it if you don’t ask it. I’m not sure of the answer, but I think you chances are better working with a group. Gurdjieff said:
Awakening is possible only for those who seek it and want it, for those who are ready to struggle with themselves and work on themselves for a very long time and very persistently in order to attain it.
Can you find a group of like minded people that are sincere about struggling with themselves in order to awake? That’s the only hope I can see around here.
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