Thursday, October 06, 2005

Next Stop: The Twilight Zone

I’m sure there are some people out there that remember the familiar phrase:
"That’s the signpost up ahead. Next stop the Twilight Zone"

Maybe it’s just me, but sometimes I think major events in the timeline of humanity can cast a shadow into the past. For some reason I have the sense that we recently crossed over the line and are standing in a future cast shadow. Kind like we are right on the lip of some large black hole and just about to rush over the edge into the darkness.

But then I guess I’ve always had this doom and gloom mentality, so maybe you can’t trust me. I can remember memories from back when I was 4 and 5. Back then I didn’t think I would live to be very old.

Actually, back then being 15 seemed like an eternity away. So I’ve gotten way past 15, and now that I’m 53 I practically feel like an adult.

Its not that I ever thought that I was going to die, I just envisioned that life as we know it on the planet would not exactly be continuing on in the usually expected format.

So let's take a poll. If you want leave your comment maybe I can find out if other people are sensing something or if I need to check myself into some sort rehab outfit.

Is that the Twilight Zone up ahead?


Anonymous said...

No need for rehab.....welcome to the zone!!!!

Tom Harper said...

For the past 5 years I've been expecting to see Rod Serling standing on the nearest corner, saying "they thought they elected a moderate Republican president. Instead, they took a detour through -- the Twilight Zone."

Anonymous said...

and lets not forget to blame bush for you growing old while we are at it.

Unknown said...

Let's all bow to Rod Serling. We have run smackdab into the signpost.

ming said...

i painted our past @

cube said...

Just think how much worse it would be if Kerry had been elected. We'd all be in re-hab!