I’m not sure its time to press the panic button yet, but I have my hand on the ready. It’s really inevitable; things have become so desperate now that the only possible future is going to be one of panic.

Here’s an example. It’s a long list of career government employees who have become Casualties of the Bush administration. The list includes Republicans so it is not an issue of political viewpoints, it became an issue of conscious.
With all those fine career people leaving the government it makes you wonder who is left running things? I guess a bunch of yes men and cronies.
I certainly don’t agree with Bush’s politics, but opinion and politics aside it has now become an issue of survival. The corruption and dismantling that has occurred in the US government is alarming.
I found the The All New Devil’s Dictionary here. It has some very appropriate definitions, check these out:
Elections. Controlled means of persuading the powerless to stand in line and prove their gullibility.
Or this:
Democratic Party. Archaic English. Defunct influence group. Now less powerful than PETA but featuring neutered males and spayed females nonetheless.
Ha, ha! I have no love for Democrats or Republicans, or any politician that is a tool of big money interests. Here’s my entry for the Devil’s Dictionary:
Politician. Money grubbing, power hungry individual that thinks if they lick the boots of the money/power brokers they’ll get a piece of the pie too.
Well maybe God or something can save us? Some people are banking on that, but probably not going to happen. Just another lie we've been fed so we won't find out what the real truth is about this reality. Don't be concerned, go back to sleep.
Christianity. Noun. 2,000 year-old religion originally based on gentle non-violence. Now a worldwide cult transformed by conquest, persecution, money-making and cronyism. See Zionism.

OK, Christians probably don’t like that one, but sadly it reflects the current state of Christianity.
Yep, these are desperate times, it’s gone way beyond quiet desperation. Pretty soon more people will be waking up to it and wondering what the hell happened.
Well, it will be too late then. They can push the panic button, but they’ll soon find that that agency is no longer functioning.
Got knowledge?
1 comment:
Great site. I just had to comment that my favorite definition in "The Devil's Dictionary" is for lighthouse. If you go back to the site, check it out.
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