Has the country, or for that matter, the world, been taken over by organized crime?
I’m not talking about Chicago mafia figures, or Russian or Italian mafia’s. I’m talking about the real power people. I’m talking about the families and descendents of the likes of Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan and don’t lets forget the Rothschild’s. I’m probably not just talking about their descendents but their ancestors as well.
Of course we are taught that these men aren’t traditionally thought of as criminals. However, if one studies their actions, you will find crimes against humanity. And don’t kid yourself, these guys all travel in the same circles and attend the same gatherings. They are not stupid, and in fact are probably rather brilliant.
So I wonder what they talk about over cocktails? I bet it’s not who’s going to win this season’s Survival TV show. Probably not about the sale down at Target either. Maybe it’s hard for us ‘regular’ people to imagine what they might talk about, but I can imagine.
My point is they do talk, and when smart people in a position of power get together, I imagine one of the most important things on their mind is how to maintain the status quo so that they and their heirs will continue to be on top of the heap.
Turns out there is data available that documents exactly what they have been up to in regards to a achieving this goal. Apparently, the people on top of the heap have this belief that if they can dumb down the masses, and keep them from learning how to think critically, they’ll have an easier time staying on the top and keeping the masses under control.
There is a lot more to this and you may feel cheated when you look into it, that is if there is still a modicum of curiosity left in you after your educational experience. You may find it difficult to actually view something in a independent critical manner.
The conniving criminals copied and improved on a model that was first tried out in Prussia back around 1820.
It’s been very successful, check out these stats.
Here’s a stat that stands out: “About 3.5 percent of the 26,000-member sample demonstrated literacy skills adequate to do traditional college study, a level 30 percent of all U.S. high school students reached in 1940”
Oops! How could that be?? I thought the idea was to improve education? Turns out, that’s not the purpose after all, we’ve been fooled again.
So where does this leave us? They seem to be holding all the cards. I guess the only thing an individual can do is to take responsibility for ones own education and acquire the ability to think critically. If we all did that they would lose their power since everyone would see through their evil intentions. Of course that won’t happen, but it could happen for you as an individual. It's really your choice and up to you to put out the effort and maybe change your lot in life.
1 comment:
"Evil men obsessed with ambition and unburdened by conscience must be taken very seriously, and we must stop them before their crimes multiply."
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