I sit out of sight in my cubical while listening to the idle conversations of my fellow co-workers. Today the hot topic of concern seems to be who will get voted off on the latest Survivor show. I find it hard to believe how serious and concerned they are about this issue.
I’m looking at a rigged economy that is on the verge of total collapse, an illegal war that kills innocent families and tortures people in the most inhuman manner, a public execution by starvation. And the list doesn't stop there. What the heck is going on?!! Shouldn’t we be concerned about our future and the future of our children?
They really have us snookered. Oh well, I wonder who will get voted off the Survivor show. I hear the Pope is on death's door. What about the Michael Jackson trial? So many important issues to be concerned about as Rome burns down around us.
You think 5.2% unemployment is a bad economy? NEVER go live in Germany then.
You think 5.2% unemployment is a bad economy? NEVER go live in Germany then.
Well unemployment is probably not the biggest issue that is sinking the US economy. The dollar is basically worthless, the government needs to borrow $2 billion a day to stay afloat. We import way more than we export and owe billions of dollars. That’s just for starters; unemployment is peanuts compared to the trillions of the dollars the US owes, which obviously will never be repaid. Then what do you think will happen?
Hey, you forgot to mention Britney Spears or The Apprentice. Get with it :)
You make a good point. Everyone's just shuffling deck chairs on the Titanic. We're no better than ostriches.
It's a case of the old Roman bread and circuses being replaced by big screen TV's and Survivor...... or something like that.
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