Sunday, February 20, 2005

Blog Manipulation

I’ve probably been watching too many X-Files recently. We’ve been renting them starting with season 1 and working our way through. Probably seen most of them already, but I still like them.

Anyway, I’ve been doing a bit of blog surfing today and checking out the various offerings. It seems blogging is really getting a lot of attention these days. I’ll know when it has really hit the big time when Microsoft includes blog in its spell checker.

It seems the news agencies are really concerned about the eroding effect blogs are having on their influence. They probably hate when that happens, but we could sure use some influence that isn’t dictated by corporate moguls who don’t have the regular guy’s best interests at heart.

After all it is a free country right? Why should we be dictated to by people with questionable intentions?

So back to my X-File theme, I was just imagining a government office somewhere with the entire floor filled with cubicles and at each cubicle is a professional blogger. Why not? I mean those Karl Rove types are pretty smart, why wouldn’t they try to capitalize on the blog explosion?

When you see some of the very professionally looking blogs in support of Bush you know there is some money there. You can also spot the flaming comments they like to leave on blogs with an opinion contrary to the government line.

They spent a lot of money paying professional journalists to push the government line in the media, by comparison a room full of bloggers is probably a pretty good and safer investment. Actually if they are not doing that, then I am wondering why not? Surely they are savvy enough to see a good thing when it’s out there.

Too bad I can’t prove it, but it’s not that hard to spot. This probably wouldn’t have made a good X-File episode anyway.


swisslet said...

I've been surfing BE tonight as well.... and the idea of the authors of all those knitting blogs working for the government makes sense to me. I knew there had to be a rational explanation.


Lookout One said...

LOL.. yes there does seem to be a lot of knitters on here, and also Mommies.

But if I were Karl Rove, I would have a crew of people busy on the blogs.