Saturday, February 19, 2005

The Truth Is Out There

Well while I was busy recalling my adventures on the freight train for everyone here I continued to be on the lookout, since that’s my job.

It seems there has been plenty going on in the world, and from my vantage point we seem to be heading one step at a time closer towards a black hole, one we won’t be able to get out of.

It’s hard to notice when it’s just slow incremental steps, but does anyone else see where we are heading? Looks like to me, we are not far off from a full scale world war.

As I surf the blogs I see people are getting caught up on one side of the political fence or the other. It’s the old divide and conquer trick. Everyone feels they are right and have all the facts on their side. To me it looks like no one is paying attention.

We don’t need to take sides, how can anyone expect to see the big picture if they are stuck on one side of the fence? I’m not talking about fence sitting either. I don’t see why we need to feel right to make someone else wrong. Is there some way we can set our differences aside and work together at determining what exactly is going on here?

Those people with power and money throughout history have always worked together to keep the population under their control, should it be any different today?

I doubt it. The difference today is they are more sophisticated and have more technology at their command. They are experts at manipulating the human psyche. They control us with invisible strings. If we don’t see that, then what hope is there?

We all have beliefs that cloud our view of the world. The truth is out there, but beliefs will keep us from seeing it. There is comfort in beliefs but I challenge anyone to temporarily set their beliefs aside and take a clearer look at what is out there.

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